Protection Hand Dipped Tapers & Votives
Hand made with intention on a New Moon in Libra, Sun in Virgo
beeswax + soy wax
Scent of : Oak for strength, ember for fire, rosemary for awareness, sage to banish negativity
Dressed with: Lady’s mantle to ward off negative intent, bearberry leaf for protecting boundaries, elderberry for fortification, and dandelion root to cleanse toxicity
Hand-dipped tapers are about 5.5”x0.75”
Votives are 2”x1.75” (place in a votive holder for extended burn time)
These candles burn somewhat as torches when the herbs become inflamed, take extra caution
We use only premium quality fragrances that are paraben/phthalate free and are blended with natural essential oils.
Hand made with intention on a New Moon in Libra, Sun in Virgo
beeswax + soy wax
Scent of : Oak for strength, ember for fire, rosemary for awareness, sage to banish negativity
Dressed with: Lady’s mantle to ward off negative intent, bearberry leaf for protecting boundaries, elderberry for fortification, and dandelion root to cleanse toxicity
Hand-dipped tapers are about 5.5”x0.75”
Votives are 2”x1.75” (place in a votive holder for extended burn time)
These candles burn somewhat as torches when the herbs become inflamed, take extra caution
We use only premium quality fragrances that are paraben/phthalate free and are blended with natural essential oils.
Hand made with intention on a New Moon in Libra, Sun in Virgo
beeswax + soy wax
Scent of : Oak for strength, ember for fire, rosemary for awareness, sage to banish negativity
Dressed with: Lady’s mantle to ward off negative intent, bearberry leaf for protecting boundaries, elderberry for fortification, and dandelion root to cleanse toxicity
Hand-dipped tapers are about 5.5”x0.75”
Votives are 2”x1.75” (place in a votive holder for extended burn time)
These candles burn somewhat as torches when the herbs become inflamed, take extra caution
We use only premium quality fragrances that are paraben/phthalate free and are blended with natural essential oils.